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Create a Legacy of Support for Israel

As a faith-based ministry, Christians in Defense of Israel (CIDI) relies on friends like you for support. Every day, we trust God for the resources to continue a vital mission. By including us in your estate planning, you can leave a lasting legacy that will impact many lives, receive significant tax benefits and current income for a term or for life, and help others strengthen their faith and become goodwill ambassadors for Israel and the Jewish people.

“Every generation must yearn for liberty
and fight to preserve it!”

— Mat Staver

A simple bequest is a gift to CIDI of cash or real property designated in your will. This is the most common form of planned giving. Through a simple bequest, you make a deferred contribution of assets to CIDI. By building CIDI into your estate planning, you leave an enduring legacy by making a lasting, positive impact on our culture. CIDI will work with you to make sure your gift is spent exactly as you intend. Click here to learn more about bequests.

Through a Charitable Lead Trust, you can make a substantial gift to CIDI that will provide current income to you either for your lifetime or for a selected term of years. At the end of the term, the assets pass back to you or to your heirs. The main advantage of a Charitable Lead Trust is that you can make a significant current gift now and reduce or eliminate potential estate or gift taxes that might be due on the assets, which will ultimately pass to your family. Click here to learn more about trusts


A Charitable Gift Annuity is one of the simplest and most popular methods of making a deferred charitable gift to CIDI. Through a Gift Annuity, you can make a gift to CIDI today in exchange for a current lifetime income – what is called a “life interest.” CIDI will receive what is left after your lifetime – a charitable remainder interest.  A Charitable Gift Annuity entitles you to a charitable income tax deduction in the year your gift is made. Click here to learn more about annuities.


Perhaps the best reason to include CIDI in your estate planning is that you will be passing a blessing for Israel on to future generations of your family.

By making a planned gift to CIDI, you can extend your reach through future generations. For more information on how to make a legacy gift to CIDI:

Contact CIDI’s Office of Constituency Affairs at:
407-875-1948 or email [email protected]

To Make A Simple Donation Online:
Or Mail Your Contribution To:
Christians in Defense of Israel
P.O. Box 540209
Orlando, Florida 32854